It is done!

The party came and went last night and I can say that from my perspective it went well. I only wish I had a backyard for the kiddos to run around and go crazy in. Oh, well. Emma was, of course, Snow White. I actually dressed up as a cow girl, who I was later told I looked like a farmer. Huh, better work on that. Emma had a lot of fun, pushing a stroller full of babies, eating brownies and playing with her friends. She had her moments of being overloaded and wanting to snuggle with me- which I ate up with a spoon.

Sweet Becky and Silly Brandon

Brandon and Becky

Brandon being silly

I had been fighting a stress headache the entire day and knew that when the party was over I could start relaxing. We even had a dear couple (above pictures) who stayed behind and they helped us clean the house! It meant so much to me. They even left and came back with TACO BELL! And that is a serious love language for me…they are so sweet and thoughtful. They even babysit Emma randomly when I’m calling the day of. Good friends are important to have. They also both have blogs so please go check them out. Go here to see Becky’s and here to see Brandon’s. THANK YOU GUYS FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

Adorable Cupcakes

Aren’t these mini Pumpkin Cupcakes ADORABLE?! A girlfriend friend made them, go here to see her blog, and they were a bit hit. Thank you Amy!

Spice Muffins

Another girlfriend made these- check out her blog here. The leaf and pumpkin muffins made with spice batter was so YUMMY! I think they just perfectly capture fall.

Emma and I

I didn’t have a shirt so I had to borrow from Trav’s side of the closet. Eyeliner for the ‘freckles’ and the hat is vintage- it was Trav’s as a young boy…either I have a tiny head or he had an enormous head as a toddler. 🙂

Artistic Abstract Pumpkins

The children’s activity- coloring pumpkins. The older kids took this very seriously and the younger one’s thought it was more fun to color on our coffee table. Good thing they were washable and just cleaned right up. It sure made the parents sweat with fear. hehe

Bug eye-d Charis :)

Charis and I

Cassiday, me and Amy

Sweet Snow White

“Oh my goodness!”

The Mielonen's

Emma and her friends

All 9 children who came. It was so cute! Costumes in order: Snow White, Cowboy (even with chaps!), Ballerina, Kitty, Samurai Warrior, Kitty, Lady bug (Emma’s BFF), Cheerleader and Robin Hood. SO SUPER COOL,  but a bit crazy too. So how did I wind down?…..


TACO BELL BABY! *sigh…ah, now I can start relaxing. This was Trav and my dinner, at around 9pm. Yikes.

My love

If you want me to do something for you- Taco bell is close to my heart.  I’m going to upload more pictures of friends and Emma onto her blog later today so check it out!

Pumpkin Patch

For some reason I thought that as a child grew up, it would be easier to take pictures of them. Nobody told me that, I just came with it on my own. Maybe next year it will be easier.

We went to the pumpkin patch for a friend’s birthday (London’s 2!) and of course I jumped at the idea of taking fall pictures. They turned out…great of Trav and Emma, but just OK with me and her. I do believe I have the cutest child there is and proof of it was today. She was so adorable it hurt. We unfortunately didn’t get to bring home pumpkins, because their ATM was broken and they only took cash…so yeah: Safeway here we come. Enjoy the pictures. All in all it was a nice sunny, cold, windy fall day. I’m making homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner. Yum.

She of course HAD to have her goldfish.

Our family fall picture 09

OK all together...'awwwww'

Daddy and Emma

Me and Emma- I have a thing for flowers on hats and scalloped edges.

See what I mean?! Trav and Emma are adorable and us…well by the time it was my turn she was more than ready to go.

Emma ready to go-she hit her wall

And finally the dirty wheel barrel cart thing. She absolutely LOVED it. She loved pushing things in it, playing in it and having daddy push her in it. When we left she threw a fair tantrum because we had to leave it behind. (*Good Christmas present, family members-hint, hint)

Emma and daddy

And the winner is…

The winner is Sabina!!! YAHOO! Congratulations, I can’t wait to send this to you in Nowy Targ-! I’m sure your niece will just love walking around with her bling. 🙂

Pretty close up

This past Sunday we went to our small group and some friends came back from Guatemala and they gave coffee as gifts. Wonderful friends but crap, I never bring back presents for people…I’m feel guilty now. ..The coffee should be good, I looked it up (because it has a website where you can continue buying from them, how nice of them to think for us)  Travis wants to keep it for special occasions- how cute. 🙂 All I know is, it came in a bright cheerful bag and it made my night. I now get to think about what I could keep in the bag…hmmm.

It's pretty smells good too.

Emma and Dora

Yesterday was of course, full and busy. There always seems to be a day where we aren’t resting…hmmm. Not OK. Anyhoo, while Trav was at church early because of vocal rehearsals (he’s on worship team) Emma and I went to a birthday party. Emma was adorable but was overwhelmed. After a while she wanted me to pick her up and she pointed to the door saying ‘Car, Car..’ Awww my little introvert- I love her. Here are some pictures of the party.

So adorable

Emma and her dora hat- she has no idea who dora is, but she's cute non the less.

Her sippy was her familiar object she really clung onto the whole time. I think we were there 1 1/2 hrs total

Fast forward to today. Today is Monday. Monday is Alexis’ day. I do not make anything extra special (ie. chocolate cakes, granola, cookies, trail mix, etc) I do not make plans with friends. I lounge and do whatever I want. One day a week is enough for me. 🙂 I did make crepes for breakfast and enjoyed them. We’ve had a nice relaxing day…and I think the next relaxing day might be…next Monday. *sigh. I think blogging helps me during the hard days and helps me have a positive attitude with our crazy schedule. I am always thinking about what good pictures I could take to blog about. Right now, I’m obsessed with canning…oh and a friend and I are making berry jam Wednesday. I really hope it turns out OK.

Another subject…kinda…Travis LOVES apple pie (it’s OK to me, I prefer cherry) so I am wanting to make and can apple pie filling. Just buy a box of apples and that makes about 8 huge pints of filling! That’s 8 PIES! So in January, all I’ll need to do is make a crust, pour and bake. That is my kind of baking. Enjoy your Monday.

Cinnamon Roll Biscuits

I am SO excited to write this because not only was this fun, easy and quick…but there are 5 other blogging girlfriends making the same thing this morning! I am so interested in how they all turned out and all the variations that were made.

I woke up at 7:30 am- 30 min late, so to say I was in a rush is an understatement. But these are a fool proof recipe and even has the flexibility to be tweeked. Here is the recipe. I didn’t use 1 1/2 C heavy cream, but split whole milk and the cream. My pictures didn’t turn out as good as hers… but I think it took 3-5 min to make and 30 min to bake. Yeah, that simple.  They do have a biscuit like consistency, which I preferred to a normal cinnamon roll. They’re usually SO super sweet and these weren’t. Which I was in danger of eating too many. I added raisins to the icing and when Trav asked what they were, I told him they were bugs. (Man, I’m ready for a little boy 😉 ) We had a men’s small group at our house this morning and they all really liked them! Enjoy the pictures! Oh and check out the other girls who did this cinnamon roll bake this morning! They have great blogs! Melissa, Carolina, Charis, Becky and Amy.

(*don’t forget to comment for my giveaway! You have till Tuesday!)

Sorry about the lighting. But they were so pretty!

Served warm and yummy. Emma only cared about eating the raisins-silly girl

It's worth making them-promise


I’m feeling better, but I’m typing this one handed because I have a sick sleeping little girl in my left arm. Poor thing. This isn’t obviously going to be long because I would rather snuggle with Emma than type to you. No offense.

Sunday night we went bowling with our small group and it was much more fun than I thought it would be. Everyone is so encouraging. Enjoy the pictures 🙂

Bowling Balls

Daddy and Emma

Blurry but cute

My cheesy HUGE smile

I don’t get sick

I don’t get sick. Not really ever. I think I’m the person who spreads colds, flues, etc. I don’t mean to, but it’s just how it is. Travis was complaining about feeling like he was getting a cold. And I actually got a little excited. I thought of the chicken noodle soup I could make and how I could fuss around him. Crazy I know, who gets excited about that?! Sorry Trav. Well, last night as I was driving home from a birthday party I noticed that my throat was feeling scratchy and sore. Weird. But I never get sick so it won’t come to me. Well all through the night I tossed and turned. My throat now really is scratchy my nose is running and all stuffed up and I now have problems saying our last name normally. (Mielonen- because of the ‘M’s’ and the ‘N’s’) My eyes are also watering which makes me think that it could be seasonal? But here is the important questions…Who takes care of the mom when she gets sick?!  Who will make me homemade chicken noodle soup? Who will bring me snacks, medicine, hot tea, lap tops and books in bed?

So I am up, on the day we can sleep in, sitting on the couch blogging- 7 am people! I dragged my sorry sick self out of bed cause I couldn’t sleep anymore. Horrible. Not only can I not sleep anymore, but my nose is starting to get red from the horrible little Kleenex squares. Who knows…all that matters is that Trav gave this to me. It’s his fault. Heck it has to be someone’s fault right? All I have to say is this better not be given to Emma…* PLEASE God!

Cute dog

Boring-meal plan

Is this getting boring for any of you? It certainly is for me. Writing cute little adventures is sure more fun than writing our meal plan. None the less I have to do it because if I don’t, come 5 o’clock I will be either asking Travis to go out to eat or I’ll be freaking out because ‘We have no food!’. OK, here it is people. Again, I don’t expect you to read this. 🙂

So, here is a picture of Travis and I this last weekend. It’s in my dad’s house. There I feel better. I mean….what is a blog post without a picture?!!

Travis and I need to work on ym posture.

Thursday: Chicken Alfredo, Green Salad, Biscuits

Friday: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Tomato soup, Apples and Caramel

Saturday: Homemade Potato Soup, Crunchy bread, veggies

Sunday: Small group- out to dinner- yay for me!

Monday: Marinara meatball Sub sandwiches

Tuesday: Red Beans and Rice with Kielbasa, Green salad

Wednesday: Meatloaf, Garlic bread, Veggie salad

Thursday: College Group- going out to eat!

Friday: Lemon Shrimp Fettuccine, Whole Wheat Pasta,

Saturday: Left over night- Yay for me!

Sunday: Chicken Marinara w/ Whole Wheat Pasta and Salad

Monday: Homemade BBQ Pizza, Homemade Garlic Bread sticks, Fruit

Tuesday: BLT Sandwiches, Homemade Tortilla Chips, Trail Mix

Wednesday: Left Over Night- Yay for me!

The past 3 days

The past 3 days have been crazy. Being in Duvall visiting Trav’s parents, going to a square dance in a barn ( Yes! And it was SO much fun!), biking a meer18 MILES!!!!!, arriving home at 11:30pm (H.o.r.r.i.b.l.e. with a capital H) and having a friend over for dinner last night. All ok, just packed full. So, the pictures migh tbe all a bit pushed together. But here it goes:

The barn dance was crazy fun! There were white Christmas lights everywhere, AMAZING FOOD and even a professional Hall-er (lingo for professional square dance/line dance person). It was the birthday of a past friend of Travis’. She was turning 60 and it was so cool to see her dance with her black cowboy hat and boots! I hope I am that lively when I’m 60. The food was incredible. Shrimp, filled puff pastries, wrapped asparagus, as much fruit as you can eat, cake and of course brie.  Brie people! I picked out as many raspberries as I could and scarfed (and I mean scarfed) on the brie. *sigh, it was so good… This was MY kind of how-down! Anyhoo, it was fun and I got pictures of it.

This was only half one table! Do you see the huge chunks of Brie?!!!

Out of all the food- I stuffed my mouth full of as much brie as I could

Trying to be creative with the camera

I made homemade tortilla chips last night with my beef enchiladas and they were so good! Pictures of course. 😉 I didn’t put salt on them because I’m married to a healthy person. He’s trying to conform me but I like salty food too much.

Flour Tortillas Chips

The chips were great and super duper crazy easy to make. (healthy=no , yummy=yes!) Just cut triangles from corn/flour tortillas. Heat some oil in a sm/med pan and dip them in. Flip when one side is golden brown. I like mine a little too brown for most people, so picture shows that. You can make yours however you want.

I lied

OK, I lied. I admit it early on. I told you I wouldn’t take any pictures today, my birthday and I lied. I did take pictures. I was doing a great job of restraining myself, but for some reason my camera was in my purse today and while Trav, Emma and I were at a cafe I thought I’d take a couple adorable photos of Emma (in her pig tails! Yes!) and then that night when a large group of us went to a favorite restaurant (Roadhouse), I also snapped a shot of the dessert I shared with a friend. It was so massive and delish. *sigh, I love hot fudge and WAY worth the $5 price. I also took a photo of their Southwestern Egg Rolls- the main and only reason I chose this place for dinner and dessert. Have a great night and I’ll see you tomorrow!

Daddy and Emma at the cafe

My crazy ADORABLE daughter


Southwestern Egg Rolls- super yummie