DIY: Jewelry Box


This is a way overdue post. I took these pictures last February. Yeah, that late…

This isn’t an incredibly clever post. But one that I sorta fell into, walking into a craft store. (haha get it?!)

**rolling of the eyes**

Anyhoo, I saw this organizer thing for 50% off and at about $10 I snatched it up and hugged it close to my chest knowing someone would try to take it away from me. 🙂


It is made of two layers. I painted the whole thing white. (to make the colors of my jewelry stand out to me)


And had no intention of making it ‘shabby chic’ but the brush I was using couldn’t get to the corners so I worked with it. I accepted it’s ‘shabby-ness’ and for now I like it.

(*but could totally imagine it in candy red! Or teal! hehe!)


If you know me, you know I had to add some sparkle. 🙂

It will probably change in the future, but it holds all my jewelry. Happy day indeed! 

Happy new year everyone!

Thanks for visiting! I'm a happy mom and wife who loves the smell of books, traveling and food. I like dreaming about alter egos, snuggling with Emma and going on dates with hubby,Travis. Pretty much anything creative I'm into. I hope you enjoy my rants and raves and come back soon. Oh, and I love comments so please feel free to let me know what you think!
1 comment
  1. Sooooo…are you back in OR? The jewelry case looks like a great way to organize your jewelry! Your friends’ home is lovely…IKEA is wonderful. Happy New Year! <3

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