Jewelry. I just have too much. I have tons. Tons people. I sell it as much as I can but I keep getting/making more. So…I’m giving away lots this week. Keep coming back to comment. The winner will be chosen randomly. The good thing for you? I’ll be giving away more than one piece a day. Hopefully. If I have time. Today I’m giving away 2 items. A bracelet and earrings.
I don’t know what the thing with me is, but I believe strongly in stretchy bracelets. I used to think that they were cheaply made and kid-ish. That was until I started buying/making clasp bracelets and decided clasps are stupid. They are hard to do one handedly, and always rests on the top of your wrist keeping the pretty beads/crystals out of view. Stupid. Enough ranting! Let’s focus
So I made tons of stretchy bracelets that went with most of my clothes. So why a, I getting rid of some? If I haven’t worn it in forever meaning in the past 4-5 months it’s a potential for you. And um, need I say theses would be awesome FREE Christmas presents too!
Secondly, here is a nice pair of light green glass earrings. They are super tough so if they fall (because I drop everything including these beauties) they won’t break. They are adorable on and very light.
The winner will be chosen tomorrow morning. Just leave me a comment to enter the drawing!
Your jewelry is really cute!
A friend of mine took her extra jewelery to her husband’s homeless persons’ church service underneath the Hawthorne Bridge. She handed the pieces out to the homeless women who were so glad to get it.
Pretty sure that bracelet would accentuate my skin tone so well 🙂
Love the earrings;-)
Love your blog! Love your jewelry! You’re super Alexis!
I have to say I agree with you about the elastic bracelets. I used to turn my nose up at them but now LOVE THEM!!! Thanks for your help with them.
Your blog is always so fresh and real and I appreciate what you have to say and the great pix you post.
please enter me!! thanks!