
Here are the earrings, so sorry it’s taken me this long! Can you believe I forgot to post them?! lol It’s been a crazy busy day. Hope you comment and win!

This pair of earrings I made thinking of Spring. These reminded me of flowers. đŸ™‚ I love wrapped jewelry, it just speaks to me. They dangle beautifully and are light on the lobes.


This next pair of earringsare special. They were made with beads I got when I was forst starting to get into jewelry making. Light and durable you’d think I would wear theses ore. I’m just not a red person. I pretend to be, I want to be…but then I look in the mirror in the morning and switch into black or blue earrings.

So for you flashy outspoken ladies- I hope you win these!


** winner will be chosen tomorrow night.

(which we’re going to the zoo lights and I’m really excited. Great family time with great friends)

Jewelry Giveaway

Jewelry. I just have too much. I have tons. Tons people. I sell it as much as I can but I keep getting/making more. So…I’m giving away lots this week. Keep coming back to comment. The winner will be chosen randomly. The good thing for you? I’ll be giving away more than one piece a day. Hopefully. If I have time. Today I’m giving away 2 items. A bracelet and earrings.

I don’t know what the thing with me is, but I believe strongly in stretchy bracelets. I used to think that they were cheaply made and kid-ish. That was until I started buying/making clasp bracelets and decided clasps are stupid. They are hard to do one handedly, and always rests on the top of your wrist keeping the pretty beads/crystals out of view. Stupid. Enough ranting! Let’s focus


So I made tons of stretchy bracelets that went with most of my clothes. So why a, I getting rid of some? If I haven’t worn it in forever meaning in the past 4-5 months it’s a potential for you. And um, need I say theses would be awesome FREE Christmas presents too!


Secondly, here is a nice pair of light green glass earrings. They are super tough so if they fall (because I drop everything including these beauties) they won’t break. They are adorable on and very light.


The winner will be chosen tomorrow morning. Just leave me a comment to enter the drawing!

Simple Elegant Emeralds

No, this giveaway does not involve REAL emeralds- some day when I’m rich, promise. But util then you will have to be ok with emerald colored crystals. While I was in Europe last year, Krakow, Poland, I noticed many women wearing earrings that were long, simple and also feminine. I like sparkly things too, so I combined both. I also like things that swoosh.



I know they could be more complex and intricate but my life is complex enough. Don’t know about you, but a pair of simple earrings is not only easy to wear with more things, but it somehow offsets the ‘complex’ areas of my life. Rereading that, how weird that sounds! But I guess it’s true. Anyhoo, I am giving theses to one of you. All you have to do is comment on this blog. Easy Shmeezy.




Rules: Just comment on this blog. Winner will be chosen by Random.com. You have until tomorrow to comment and tell your friends. Or if you don’t want them winning don’t tell them.

Compleeeeetly different subject- I found this blog and like it. Check it out.


Just some pictures from lunch.

Snacking is my specialty. đŸ˜‰

I took some time to take pictures of our beautiful day today.

Did you know my favorite color is green? LOVE it!

no idea why… but the picture of the grass is dream y to me. Love the different shades of green.

and finally when I was coming in I saw a little man who was up to no good! Kitchen counter is off limits…or I guess if only we are around.

We’re going to the Portland Saturday Market and I’m so excited! I’ll bring my camera and take as many picts as the camera will let me. Enjoy your Saturday!

Oh and no I haven’t forgotten to make the cinnamon rolls. Tonight baby…