I had a friend over today for lunch. It was so rich and awesome, talking about not just friendship and family, but we also talked about what we were reading in the Bible, what we struggled/didn’t understand with what we read and where we are being challenged by God.
I love these meetings. Feels so real and fulfilling.
I made lunch, being at my house and all it was the least I could do. I made a girly lunch. Oranges and freshly cubed pineapple, with the random tortilla chips (gotta have those!). I took only 2 pictures and so that is what you’re going to get today.
OK, the first is a nice change from the regular grilled cheese. It’s super gooey and garlicky. We had it on bread that reminded me of European bread- which is the best bread in the world. This is made of, obviously yummy wanna-be European bread (which is the most important part), Mozzarella cheese and Artichoke/Chive Cream Cheese. (the kind in the tubs-pre-mixed) That’s it! Yummo.
Did I mention that it’s super gooey?
The other starch on our menu was my Chocolate Banana bread. Family secret. Sorry, can’t give the recipe away, but I wouldn’t mind giving a free loaf to someone! With the chocolate chips inside you don”t want to defile it with butter.
I served it warm. I’m a good friend.
in other news:
TRAVIS IS TAKING ME TO THE BALLET TONIGHT! Um, yeah, surprised and super excited. 🙂 I had 3 hours to prep (translation: find babysitter) But, thanks to a great friend all the details are ironed out- hooray! I am so thankful to all the friendships God has placed around me.
I pray you have a FANTASTIC day today as you see/look for all the awesome things God gave you today.
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