I am out of town right now, relaxing on the couch of my Oma’s/Opa’s. Eating sauerkraut (yum!) and watching 4 generations of ladies hanging out. Family. Fun times. But I have a great friend who I asked to guest post today. Her name is Kerstin and lives in Cape Town, South Africa. I asked her to give us an idea of what a typical South African Fall is like. Please give her tons of awesome comments!
Hi there, this is Kerstin. I am a German long term missionary in South Africa.
When I think of Fall or Autumn, Herfs (africaans) or uKwindla (xhosa) as they call it here, I want to help you understand HOW different it is here in Cape Town.
Cape Town is the most southern big city in all of Africa. I live south to the equator in the southern hemisphere. Thus my fall/autumn/herfs/ukwindla looks quite different. I call my Fall: Spring. I know, it’s getting complicated. Please hang in there. For everyone who lives north to the equator (USA, Europe, Russia, Canada etc).

Fall is the season before winter. When the leaves fall from the trees, we can see fall in its full glory. Fall brings cooler temperatures and fall prepares nature for winter. Now, it is getting confusing: this is pretty much the same for us living in the southern hemisphere EXCEPT that our Fall functions like a Spring. Our Fall prepares nature for Summer. Yes we have Summer during Christmas time. I still need to get used to that one lol.
Our Fall shows warmer temperatures and lots of colors. It begins in the late September, early October weeks.

In South Africa we celebrate the 1.st of September as Spring Day and in October all the flowers blossom.What a great season here!
We have warm days and cool nights. Every day, I can see more vibrant colors and I looooooooove colors. I am an artist, so colors inspire me.
It is said that the Western Cape (the region around Cape Town) has the widest range of flowers and plants. Incredible. For anyone who is extremely allergic (pollen), this season is not such a happy one 🙁

So YES: Fall is my Spring. Fall-Autumn-Herfs-uKwindla!
What do I like to do in this season here in South Africa?
-getting in my car and driving around to stand in awe of the beatuy of nature that is unfolding before my eyes
-starting to sun bathe again ( I have fair skin and I KNOW how to protect myself after several experiences… – the sun here is extremely aggressive!)
– listening to the birds and watching them
My car Snowflake starts to be hot again even with the amateur AC I start to cook in it…and I can leave my windows open overnight hehe.

I loooooove Fall in South Africa!! Here, the colors are green, red, magenta, fuchsio, teal, yellow, bright orange and yellow…amazing!!!
Fall – Autumn- Herfs – uKwindla
Love this post! As a child I have been in South Africa, also in Cape Town. It’s such a beautiful country. I can imagine living there..
Lovely! Thanks for sharing the gorgeous pictures…and Happy Spring, Kerstin! <3
thank you!