These next few posts are for you. I could thank you for the millions of ways you were the greatest mom. But for today: I wanted to thank you for growing me up showing what fierce love looks like.
Today in women’s group we were asked to share one special memory with our mom we had growing up. I instantly had one that is at the core of who I am thanks to you.
For my turn, I proudly shared that my memory was a continuous action of love showed by you. Growing up, when I had bad/scary/spiritual dreams, you were ALWAYS there. Showing me your love and fierce protection. You not only settled my fears but showed me how to pray and taught me how much God would never leave me-showed through you. I constantly remember, in all the different houses we lived in, falling asleep hearing you pray for me.
I remember you spending hours with me, in the wee hours, sacrificing your much needed rest and putting me first. Never complaining, telling me not to worry about it or telling me to go to bed. It is such a tender and special memory to me that influenced who I am and has bled into another generation-to Emma. Your example molded the way I parent and what it means to be there for Emma.
Because of you, Emma is the benefactor of what you sowed in me as a baby. ich liebe dich mutti!
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