Christmas 2012 Cards

**Warning: tons of pictures comin’ your way. Cute ones, but a lot****


We took Monday to go to Mt. Hood to take some family Christmas card pictures. I love how they turned out. 


 I have learned that it is very important to keep the ‘kissy kiss’  as I call it, in a marriage.  I really look forward to taking these type of pictures when we’re old and gray haired. Things get better with age.


Emma wasn’t having a great time. It was either one or the other extreme. Either she was so happy playing in the snow she didn’t want to take pictures, or she was too cold and didn’t want to take pictures. This is why there’s lots of Travis and I.


I cannot tell you how cold we were when we were done. The fireplace made all the females happier.

(aka: no more drama)


And of course, Emma and Rylee….



We went with some friends and got some good shots of them too.





Their last name starts with  ‘G’, thus the G in the picture.



***Check out my blog tomorrow for the bloopers. Yes, Amy I said that. muahaha!****

Halloween Scavenger Hunt

Title pretty much explains the whole post. Enjoy the pictures! 🙂


It was raining but that didn’t change anything, we were all really happy to be there. 🙂




17087050683.jpgand a little kissy kiss. Hope you had a great weekend!


Day 9: Someone you love

I have decided to join some other bloggers to do a 30 day challenge. We are following a fun list of things to take a picture of every day for a month. It would be awesome to have you join in on the fun! Just let me know so I can follow ya. 🙂

Day 9: “Someone you love”


I know this is a couple instead of a ‘someone’ I love. But seriously, once you meet this couple you know they’re just incredible awesome. I had to post this about them. 🙂

They are also the kind of couple that are more of a unit than two individuals. You can not say one without the other.

They are so clearly knit together.

They remember the important things. Like holding hands while pushing 3 kiddos around downtown on a crazy holiday. 🙂 

I love their relationship and how supporting of each other they are. Yes, I’m sure there are disagreements, but they are respectful of each other in public. Love that.

So, yeah. Love you guys Savannah and Marcus. You are a great example to your little ones and to the people around you.

Keep it up.

Our friend Kerstin


We have a friend who we’ve known for about 5 years now. She is caring, exciting and just one of those people others are attracted to. She currently lives in Cape Town, South Africa as a missionary. And she just so happens to have been my maid of honor. 🙂  And has a blog full of fabulous pictures!


She also just so happens to be a talented painter! Here is her site. She favors watercolors but also plays around in all areas of painting. There are many beautiful ones- my favorite being ‘A Day at the River’. Buy, buy, buy! It would help and support not only a fabulous impacting woman, but also help her serve and give to the people she’s around.

*Kerstin, we love and support everything you are about and who you are. Continue loving those around you! 

*She did not in any way ask me to advertise for her. In fact, she has no idea I wrote this 🙂 *

Jamie’s birthday weekend


My brother and I celebrated Jamie’s birthday by surprising her to a dinner and the Seattle Fashion Show. It was awesome. We look SO alike huh…hehe Yeah, nothing alike.

14078659000.jpgBut we like being silly. Believe it or not that is Eric’s silly pose. I love Jamie’s pose. Jamie: You look cute even cross eyed!

14078681779.jpgBlack and white is good to me and my brother.

Love you Jamie! Happy birthday!!!!



Jamie and Sean

I had a great and somewhat surprising weekend. My sister and her boyfriend came for a planned visit- which I promptly forgot about till she texted me she was 20 min away. Oh snap. I took the fastest shower yet, got the princess and I dressed for actual people just in time to welcome them.

I was actually SO excited to have them here. I love hosting, but there is nothing better than having family visiting.

I took advantage and labeled myself the embarrassing sister and asked them to pose for me. They were of course super cool with it. It was his first time in Portland and of course it was raining. Boo. But he is from Seattle so he’s used to it.

Grandpa and Grandma GiGi

When we visit my family Emm goes straight for the animals. My mom is watching our two cats and my dad and Lois have a dog named Dakota. EMMA LOVES THEM! But what Emma loves just as much a Dakota is his kennel. She LOVES climbing in and pretending to lay down and nap. Yes it’s disgusting. There is hair and I bet dried slobber in there. Gross. But she’s two and we clean her up when she’s finished playing in there.


My dad though loves the fact that Emma climbs in the kennel and plays with her around it. He won’t go in himself but he’ll encourage her to climb on in. Thanks Dad. Thanks for trying to feed her Dakota’s treats. She was mad at me cause I said no.


My dad teaches her important things. Like how to make as much of a mess as possible. I have a theory he has her do things just to make him laugh. Also, I think he’s trying to be the grandpa he had when he was a kid- his Pa. That makes me nervous. 😉  That’s OK…he’s a grandpa. And Emma loves him tons. Lois is there to fulfill the other half. She’s always there to read her personalized stories, fill her up with Chocolate milk and Apple juice and go visit the park.

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You both are wonderful and I am so glad you are close enough to be apart of our lives. Emma loves you guys so much and looks forward to seeing you. Well, you and your piano. hehe Thank you for teaching her things we are not able to teach her in loft living. Such as: dogs go poop in the grass in backyards. 🙂 She still reminds me of the time she saw Dakota using the restroom outside.


To Grammy’s house we go!


We’re going to Grammy and Gramps house this weekend for some pumpkin picking. Is it bad that I’m hopeful that something silly and crazy happens that will make this a lasting memory? Maybe I should ‘forget’ to pack any underwear or socks. Hmmm, not really funny since I’ve done that before without trying to be funny. If forgetful-ness is a gift I was given a large amount when I was born. It’s my fathers falt. He’s worse than I am…but oh how I digress. So this pumpkin patch this weekend…

Travis’ mom wanted to take Emma to this special pumpkin patch ever since Emma was born. 🙂 Apparently she took Trav to it when he was little. Aaaawwwwww. So up we go and it should be a nice relaxing time. Emma is looking forward to seeing them and their horses.

Theses pictures were taken last summer when we were in Duvall, WA.


Emma knows what she’s doing too. She works them until they’re willing to give her ice cream for dinner. It’s a gift she’s gotten from somewhere…wonder who 😉


But she’s a lover deep inside. Someone who loves snuggles and kisses. Which I believe is the way to any grandparents heart.


My brother is a lot like most members in my family. We show love by giving. Gifts, remembering your favorite drink/candy and surprising you with one. Or whatever. Birthdays in our family are pretty big to eachother and Eric and I are 5 days apart. His the 4th and mine the 9th.

Last time I went to Seattle was to celebrate the ‘birthday month’. My dad’s is also in that fabulous fall month. (although the eaves are changing later and September has been pretty warm here-Portland.) We met at Red Robin and strolled along the mall and he surprised me by getting me a pair of brown boots! Yay!

I’d been wanting a newer nicer pair. My other pair is well cheaply made and last time I wore them in Poland my feet froze off. Weaven though I was wearing 2 people-TWO pairs of socks. Don’t buy boots from Fred Meyer that you expect to take to a colder climate. Poor choice.


I am well aware that he is very good looking. He is 27, lives in Seattle and enjoys warmer climates. He also looks like my dad. Mostly. And I look like my mom. Mostly.

At Red Robin I nearly ended his life early. I was going to tell them that not only was this his birthday (singing, balloons around your ears and free ice cream sundae-gotta love America) but I was going to tell them it was his big 30th BIRTHDAY!!! HAHAHA My dad and I thought this up. Well he thought of the 30 part and the singing was mine.

I kept trying to get the waitress’ attention but she didn’t come till he was there and Eric would’ve been looking for it. Too bad. Next year Eric, next year.


Boots. A whole store of boots. Mother have mercy.


My new boots. Pretty. Beautiful. Dark Brown.
