Emma’s first day of school was today. I must say I was super proud of her. She was open enough to tell me her fears (other kids being mean to her) and we did our best to talk it out during breakfast.
As we entered the classroom, which was filled with kids and parents we looked for her seat and cubby. She then went to play with a girl who was playing house. Perfect. She was so excited that a new girl wanted to play with her she beamed up at me and I melted. Almost lost it then.
But all in all it went well. She told me the names of the kids who didn’t listen to the teacher and how she disciplined them. Her favorite part of the day (only 3hrs) was doing a craft. My favorite part of her being in school was enjoying a quiet lunch all by myself and not having her ask me to share . Afterwards we celebrated the big 1st day of school with ice cream cones.
I think we’re both liking this school thing. 🙂