Do you follow any blogs that make you yearn for things that you just know isn’t ‘in the deck of cards’ for your life? I was following maybe 10 blogs that were all SAHM (Stay At Home Moms) that had pretty much the American dream. They made their children cute matching aprons, made great meals, looked cute, apparently had great marriages, took beautiful pictures, lived in a comfortable house, had tons of friends, had extra money to spend on stupid things, decorated their house adorably and eventually became well known bloggers.
However, the more I followed them the more mundane and …well…I started to read/hear, ‘blah, blah, blah,blah, blah’. Because really, I don’t want to just hear about how many errands they ran, or how many shots their kid made at their last game or where they got their newly thrifted shoes. (because HELLO-we live in different states) Yes, their recipes were nice, but besides that..there wasn’t much there. Meaning, something you could really sink your teeth into and feel like, ‘yeah! I know where she’s coming from’ or ‘I’ve been there’. I mean, really, DIY blogs will only get me so far before they all sorta blend together.
(that’s why I deleted my Pinterest account. *gasp* lol)
So I did a little Google reader cleaning. I said good bye to many blogs when I asked myself, ‘Why are you still reading this?!’ If I couldn’t find a good answer then DELETE.
The biggest reason I said good bye was because I found a part of myself holding back on the promises God gave ME for my life now and I started wanting their lives. I started to like their retro inspired old grandma goodwill paintings, ‘shabby chic’, rainbows, starfish and chevron patterns. Nothing wrong with any of them, but it’s not me. I began to want to live in southern California. (say what?! That isn’t like me at all) and other weird things that I could feel myself gravitating towards that isn’t who I am. I began to desire the ‘cushy’ life. I went just a few degrees off my target and found myself miles from where I should be. So easy to get distracted huh.
Well, I still like silly mindless subjects which will definitely cross paths with this blog, but hopefully, so will a little bit more. The stuff you can sink your teeth into.