Meal Plan

Typical day:  *Snap, I realize I have 30 min to make a meal. I first panic, then conveniently forget I even know how to cook. I have to then go through my blog to past meal plans to get ideas and remember that I indeed DO know how to make awesome meals. This is the reason I post my meal plans. Not because I stupidly think you will be enthralled with them but because I have come to expect my momentary memory laps with meals. 🙂  

(confession: I actually DO like looking at other peoples meal plans, but feel super dorky admitting it)

So what might be boring for you is mandatory for me.


Wednesday: BLT sandwiches, 

Thursday: Small group!

Friday: Chicken, baby potatoes and roasted baby carrots

Saturday: Homemade Chili with homemade cornbread. (blessed crock pot)

Sunday: Left over night

Monday: Potato and Cheese Pierogi (, crunchy bread, salad

Tuesday: Beef Enchiladas, chips and cucumber salad

Wednesday: Soup and Sandwiches, homemade cookies

Thursday: Taco night. YUM!!!

Friday: Left over night! Holla!

Saturday: Homemade Pizza (BBQ or regular?)

Sunday: MOVIE NIGHT! Chicken quesadillas and snacky food

Monday: Breakfast

Tuesday: Papa Murphys’ beautifully pre-made pizzas 

Thanks for visiting! I'm a happy mom and wife who loves the smell of books, traveling and food. I like dreaming about alter egos, snuggling with Emma and going on dates with hubby,Travis. Pretty much anything creative I'm into. I hope you enjoy my rants and raves and come back soon. Oh, and I love comments so please feel free to let me know what you think!

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