Yes, we moved. And we love it.
Things are still being hung and getting used to new sounds at night but over all we feel SO blessed by this place. I’ll give you a house tour soon but I need rooms to be complete first so until then you’ll just get glimpses. Some random things though I’ve noticed since living here all of 2 days.
1. HOW is it possible, living on the 5th floor, for us to have an ANT problem?!!! Please tell me because I am shocked.
2. Man the sunsets are great.
3. Sound sensitive/ VERBAL/older ladies for neighbors make for a frustrated Alexis.
4. The air conditioning in our place works great. Almost TOO great, I’m wearing pants and a cardigan to combat the arctic breezes blowing past me and it’s boiling outside! Reminds me of Austin, TX and their movie theaters- fa-reeze-ing.
5. Emma having her own room is fab-u-lous. With a capitol ‘F’. She loves it, we love it, perfect.
6. Does anyone else get frustrated with having to plan out a kitchen? Placing plates/cups, mixing bowls and tupperware is stressful to me! lol Weird I know.
Here is a picture of our our old loft. I miss it but only a little. It was perfect for when we needed it and now we are being blessed with an even better place. *Thanks God
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