Our friends arrived safe and sound and tired. 🙂 The whole 9 hr time difference is brutal. And, right now, as Weronika and her younger daughter take a beauty nap, the boys are out with the two oldest ladies CAMPING! All weekend.
I am so excited to see what they did, what pictures they took and any silly things that must have happened.
Emma was especially excited to go pee in the grass again. Yeah.
Chris is a natural with children. He loves reading A LOT. He is the only other person who gets as excited about vowel combinations, sentence structure and conjugations as Travis. Seriously, they both stayed up together going through dictionaries and thesaurus’ one night in Poland. Whatever cloth they are cut from, it is obviously the same one. 🙂
Weronika made the matching headbands. Cute huh. 🙂
Since the boys are gone with our girls (which I miss tons!) we have a girls weekend. A relaxing weekend is in order since they are still trying to get used to our hours. Naps, walks around our home and sitting and talking. Just love it and love her.
So this weekends plans: learning more Polish and getting to know an awesome woman better and better.
And of course we had to walk to our local Starbucks 🙂
Have I mentioned that it’s beautiful and sunny here?! Thanks God. We girls get to walk around in beautiful weather and the boys get to camp comfortably.
(‘camping comfortably’: oxymoron but whatever)
*on a totally differnt note, I made lemon scones yesterday. They turned out OK but I want you to learn from my mistakes.
Lesson: DO NOT make scones from whole wheat flour. No matter how smart and sneaky you might feel- it will turn out tasting A LOT like wheat. Wheat scones…Hmmm….yeah no. Icing can only do so much.
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