My dad is many things and I love him more than I could ever describe. Our relationship is comparable to Elizabeth Bennett and her father in Pride and Prejudice. We don’t need words to have a conversation.
This morning, I was asking myself how I could somehow discribe my relationship with him to any of your reading…
And the best tangible way, is by telling you about my purple crooked vase. This vase is one of the most important things I own. It is loop sided and never holds flowers. The glass maker accidentally make it so it leans on one side. We found it on the clearance shelf.
This silly, slightly too large vase that never holds flowers, was bought by my dad with my sister and I on a daughter date. We were visiting a woman (the glass maker) that he worked with and wanted to support her in her craft. This silly vase was chosen because my dad and I decided we liked the imperfections. The weird way it leaned to the side made us smile. Seeing the beauty in mistakes is something that he instilled in me when I was really young. To believe that there is some good out there despite what the news tells us or how our relationships turn out in our lives. There is always good.
And that silly, bulky, lop sided purple vase symbolized that. Beauty in the ‘different’ , ‘weird’ and disregarded.
I am the proud owner of this vase. And pretty sure it will never be stolen, with the way it looks. lol It’s stored in our closet on the top shelf. Right between the Heirloom silver tea set and Tea-kwon-do trophies. Emma will receive it much later in life.
Thank you daddy for giving me so much and instilling the very best of what you had. Love you forever.
(we like playing silly lighthearted jokes on people. Keeps us young)
Awww! Thank you, Alexis! I love you, too!