This post is about Cacti. And oh the many kinds the state of Texas has. These are a small compilation.
*Disclaimer: the names of the cacti below are created by my imagination. I do not pretend to know the proper name of most things, let alone random cacti.
Pretty. Typical. Popular.
This reminds me of what a rose would look like with thorns on the tips of petals. Very pretty. And a pastel green. Â So different and romantic. My name for it is: Rosathorn-tus.
Speaking of pastel cacti:
OK, this next cactus reminds me of a painful experience I had as a young girl. I was at a local mall in Kansas City and as we were walking past a florist I noticed a pretty plant. It looked soft and so as I touched it I was pierced with little stinging poking needles from the CACTUS I touched.
Yes, I had no idea what it was and I was in elementary school. Still looking back I can’t believe I was that old (late elementary school) and didn’t know it would hurt to touch it. It”s pictured below:
This next cacti I will call “spideractus” Creepy. Hairy cactus. Gives me the ‘willies’
And lastly this huge, very popular cactus is used for a garden filler. They grow huge and I asked Emma to pose. I thought you would enjoy either the huge-ness of the monster or enjoy her smile. 🙂
Have a great Thursday!
The second picture and the last picture are Agave Plants. Is it sad that I know that? Lol. But hey- my dad loves all those kinds of plants… and except for the spidery-looking one, we have all the rest of those plants in our yard! But I can guarantee you that the agaves are NOT quite as big as the one Emma is posing in front of! 🙂