v day


Just a quick look into our morning, more picts to come tonight. 🙂


Thanks to Trav, we enjoyed a fun breakfast together…


She downed that apple juice and then barely had room for a few bites of eggs. Not happening again. But the sweet thing was that the breakfast place gave her a lollipop. That was the most important thing to her. Besides the apple juice.


Pink. Of course. We then went to a Little Princess Valentines Party a friend threw. It was great and pictures will follow. Emma’s napping, I’m going to roam the blog world and snuggle in a pink fleece blanket. Hope everyone’s morning has gone well! 🙂

Thanks for visiting! I'm a happy mom and wife who loves the smell of books, traveling and food. I like dreaming about alter egos, snuggling with Emma and going on dates with hubby,Travis. Pretty much anything creative I'm into. I hope you enjoy my rants and raves and come back soon. Oh, and I love comments so please feel free to let me know what you think!

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