V day plans

So since Travis will be gone on Valentines Day, I have made plans to beat the sadness. Which is by itself frustrating. It’s a Hallmark holiday. And since he won’t be here, I have declared it a ‘girls day!‘ We will not be able to do all of these ideas- I think. So here’s a pretty list of some things I’m going to be relying off.

PJ day: the warmest comfiest and just so happen to be- the most unflattering outfit known to man.

Manicures-probably pink.

manicures 001.JPG

Movie day: like the whole day. Like I won’t feel guilty for allowing Emma to watch Beauty and the Beast at least twice or *gasp maybe three times.

Root Beer floats: will have them (plural) with lots of ice cream in a really big cup.


We will be artistic- Emma will paint/color and I will scrapbook/make jewelry/bake. Emma will also be doing a special craft. (not sure what it will be)

Go to a little party. (shoot that means dressing and taking shower…Hmm)

I will take a looooong shower. Emma will get pruny in her bath.

Jane Austen. Star Trek. Beauty and the Beast. Aristicats.


Meals: Will indulge on Macaroni and Cheese, no meat, popcorn, soup and Ramen (ramen is not a soup- not sure what it is besides salt. well, tasty!) To be healthy we will drink water (and whatever healthy thing we eat at the party)

We will be having picnics(on a very big, very pink blanket) in our living room for meal times.

Playtime: we will be dancing to Emmas music all day. She’ll probably be in her tutu. Which includes twirling and getting dizzy.

Family: we’ll be calling to say happy valentines day. We’ll be calling daddy too.

Oh, and I will be documenting the day with pictures. 🙂

I’ll miss you Travis, It’s too bad you have to be gone on this day but I am so fortunate in so many ways that you are my husband and I love you so much. Have a great time in Chicago and we’ll see you when you come back.

Hugs and kisses from your girls. XOXO

Thanks for visiting! I'm a happy mom and wife who loves the smell of books, traveling and food. I like dreaming about alter egos, snuggling with Emma and going on dates with hubby,Travis. Pretty much anything creative I'm into. I hope you enjoy my rants and raves and come back soon. Oh, and I love comments so please feel free to let me know what you think!