Last night our family stayed up way late/early at a friends house and ended up driving home around 1am. Trav could have stayed up till 3am and would have been a happy camper. I hit my wall around midnight.
So as we were driving home we stopped at a red light by a Burger King. I looked and saw a car driving through the drive thru and immediately judged. Without even thinking!
My response to Travis: ” Who in their right mind would EVER eat that kind of food this late?!”
I was imagining the grease from the burgers and the heavy feeling you get after eating a burger, fries and drink. (mind you I like Burger King! I think they have great fries. But that late at night…)
Travis’ response: *without thinking “Well, maybe it’s someone on a late night shift eating his lunch”
Me: “Oh.”
Of course. I had thought there was no reason for anyone to eat there that late at night. And then I thought of all the pregnant ladies (there’s a new wave) I know who would love to have a milkshake at that time. I couldn’t believe the critical mindset I still harbored and speak of without thinking.
I continue to wrestle with it. obviously, it’s a work in progress- my judgmental thinking. I’m working it out with God. But one thing is for sure: I am so grateful to have a husband who helps me think outside my box.
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