OK, really quick before Emma freaks out in Trav’s lap and screams bloody murder. That’s just what we would need…
It’s been snowing here all day, but the light dry kind. It’s cold here too. 18’F We’re bumddled up though and once you get used to the cold it’s not so bad. You just learn to love snuggies. 🙂 (Brandon where is mine you promised me for Christmas!?)
We used the WIFI here to look at some possible flats here for rent. There are a couple that are really nice. Emma though is not doing well and her time is just about up. We’ve bribed stuffed her with french fries and soft serve ice cream from McDonalds. The rhythm of our daily schedule is showing us how much slower things will be like for us here. It will definatly be an adjustment. But it is good and insightful. I have a new found respect for Kerstin, The Balons, Robyn and Katie.
We’re having a couple come up from Nowy Targ with their daughter to stay with us for a night. It should be nice. I think we’ll see some of the city with them, then have a nice quiet WARM night.
Well, I think that’s it for now. If you have any questions just ask. I promise we will post more when we move here. It really sucks being out of the loop of the world for days on end. We just found out about the earthquakes in Haiti. What the heck?! It’s horrible. Anyhoo, I’m also dying inside because I can’t post any pictures. I wish I could…but when we live here we’ll be able to. Promise. OK, that’s all. Peace out my peeps. 🙂
Alexis… I should have totally followed through with that… You may have a zebra one when you get back but no promises… It is 11:23pm here so it’s 8:23am there. It will be nice to have you two back, minus having to give the car back as we love it terribly much. We had leadership meeting and Travis has some jobs to do when he gets back (lol).
It will be great to see you guys and be able to hold Emma once again! See you soon!