Beach Retreat

These are pictures of this last weekend. It was a blast, although it started off with me falling asleep in the car and woke up with Britany laughing at me. After asking her why, she told me I was talking giberish while dreaming…great.
The bottom picture is of sheer bliss. I am surrounded by my jewelry and I had just finished a really funky knecklace (which I’ll wear tomorrow @ a youth conference) and I was attempting to take a great picture. Aperantly Brittany thought I was more humerous or something 🙂
I haven’t taken a retreat for such a long time and it was SO wonderful. Travis is telling me I need to leave to go to church…30 min early..

Thanks for visiting! I'm a happy mom and wife who loves the smell of books, traveling and food. I like dreaming about alter egos, snuggling with Emma and going on dates with hubby,Travis. Pretty much anything creative I'm into. I hope you enjoy my rants and raves and come back soon. Oh, and I love comments so please feel free to let me know what you think!
  1. say…looks like ya’ll had a fun time…and were able to just take some time off. i was surrounded by dozens of jr. higher kids. twas quite fun. thats actually how i “relax” anyway…i mean, i don’t need to just sit and be calm…i loved all the engergy. have a good day.

  2. I love the pictures- hey friend, I will miss you, too! awesome that you had this retreat 🙂

  3. Glad you got to chill for a while. I love the beach so much and can absolutely understand and identify with this relaxing feeling that goes along such a retreat.
    HI Alexis what happened to your hair?
    love ya

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