We had a friend take some family pictures of us back in Seattle. It was awesome because she was so straightforward and relaxed at the same time. She said things like, ‘OK, now I’m going to be all up in your business!’ and smiling the same time and it was just normal to smile back and laugh. Which was perfect for someone who’s all up in your business. You don’t want to make a silly face or anything right?
I actually asked for this. A silly picture. Surprising I know.But it’s me and I wanted a picture of that.
We walked all around downtown and I found out somethings about myself:
1. I wish I had brought a scarf. I always wear scarves and it would’ve been nice to represent that.

2. I wish I had brought Emma a hat. Cold, slightly breazy weather makes for cute, little, red noses though. 🙂

3. I will always have Carley take our family pictures. She makes the whole thing seem normal and natural. Who cares that we’re on the monorail and she’s in our faces taking pictures like we’re movie stars. *click *snap click* That’s normal-right? 🙂

4. I am HORRIBLE with cheesy predictable backgrounds. I was saved by Travis and Carley. (although she is the professional). We have now nice artistic pictures that don’t scream ‘Touring Seattle’.

This is Travis’ favorite picture. 🙂 And no we weren’t posing, we were looking at the huge fountain outside Seattle Center House. We were just ignoring her and this is what she got. lol Amazing what good pictures you can get when you ignore the photographer.

All in all, for me it was fun to be snuggly with Trav and have someone document it. These are the times and moments I want to remember. Who needs to remember fights or disagreements?! I want to remember the times I stole kisses from him. 🙂 Memories of me being dorky and him smiling and joining in.

This next one is my favorite of Trav and I

Good thing I didn’t have anything in my teeth huh! 🙂 Sorry, did that ruin the ‘aww’ moment? lol

If you live in Oregon or Washington please please, for your own good, pay to have Carley take your pictures. It will be a good experience. Full of laughing and goofing off. Why should picture taking be so serious anyways?! I learned that about her. She wants to take pictures that capture you as a family or couple. Being you. Laughing, making faces or whatever.
*And, no, Carley has no idea I’m writing this. It’s just because it was so wonderful and awesome! Even Emma was into it for 4 hours! That takes skill people. Here’s her web site.