OK, I have a bit while Emma sleeps to post in pictures how my last week went. It was Emma’s 2nd Birthday and it was fun! I was also in the Easter program. I think the link for that is HERE. While my mom was here we did some fun things and hung around the house too. We tackled some overwhelming projects like cleaning out Emma’s AND my closet AND she started to organize our garage! It was a huge help.
Well, I hope you like the pictures!
This mommy and baby bunny was from Grandpa and Granma Gigi. She loved it and snuggled with it all day. 🙂
****************BIRTHDAY PARTY TIME!!!*********************************************************
The cake was an ice cream cake (cookie dough) with cake inside too! It was wonderful! It also helped that it was completely ADORABLE!
She got a little tired blowing out the candles. Mommy helped 🙂
This is super cool! It’s disney princess Belle and when she gets wet she changes color! Pretty cool!
My little Emma getting tired from all the excitement and people at her house.
end with emma and her man. 😉