Spring/Summer Wreath

I have a wreath that I change for each holiday/season. And with Valentines Day finished (and I’m not into St. Patrick’s Day over kill with green) I’ve decided to just do a Spring/Summer Wreath. After looking and looking, and talking with Trav who is just as opinionated as I am about wreaths, I have decided on this one. 

Please ignore the hanging head. But I’m thinking of adding a bit more yellows and brighter colors. Too much black/brown for a cheery wreath but thought it was perfect! Soft, whimsical, and easy to accomplish. (and cheap too-holla)

I can’t wait to show you when it’s done. 🙂

Summer=5K…good Lord help me


What plans do you have this summer? Zoo? Picnics? Library? Our house needs to make our summer list. But unlike most everyone else, I’m focused to plan for rest and relaxation. It’s not too hard for this house to find business and plans.


Summer is suppose to be about enjoying a LAZY warm afternoon right??

And in our family, we need to schedule these times or we will get busy doing tons of other fun things. And yes, we plan on being lazy with friends. 🙂 It’s totally possible. Is our family like yours?



I am doing a couch to 5K with a couple friends and am excited and unprepared. One thing is for certain: I am going to lean heavily on friend support. Wish me luck! 🙂

However, I was reminded while I heaved, breathed sighs and almost passed out (kidding, drama makes everything more interesting) I had thoughts like, ‘Um, I can’t do this.’ ‘I’d rather be exercising another way’ ‘this is too hard!’

These are normal I think, but when I think about some of the stories of people who have overcome so much to do something like a marathon, Special Olympics or Hood to Coast (Portland race) a clearer perspective is in front of me and I have more determination. They are so insparational and their stories give hope to myself and Ibegin to say, ‘this is doable’, ‘I have friends who are doing this with me-I’m not alone’ and ‘I have a goal’