Every time I go into this bathroom I cringe. It’s the reality. A Big Fat Mess. It’s the catch all for random things I want out of my sight. But no more!
I decided that I needed to change this opportunity at the next pay period. Hello dollar store white storage boxes! Even though I think I need a couple more, I’m happy with the almost finished result.
The boxes hold most of my creative items. You know, all those things that get lost so easily. This is in the guest bathroom so the shower is never used- thus I don’t have to worry about anything I store in here.
This room has no natural light. Really disliking the yellowness in the pictures. But oh well. A pile of fabric is always a welcomed sight.
Have a great day everyone! I’m off to a park with Emma and hopefully to take some great pictures. I’ve been feeling the itch to take some profile/close ups of some friends for a while. Love that they have no idea and I’m going to surprise them by saying, ‘OK, lets take some close ups of YOU!’ hehehe