I have lived in this beautifully rainy, green state for..gosh…7 or 8yrs. And I am embarrassed to say that I almost never go downtown. Horrible. Massive failure on my part. I visiting cities! And here I am, living right on a transit line too! Well, my cyber blogging friend, that will change. As of this month to be exact.
I will be taking more train rides to explore and have adventures. Hallelujah.
One aspect I am looking forward to is trying more of Portland’s food carts! Today I will start with
Sheish Kabob Grill :
I am a sucker for kabobs. I have a soft place for them in my heart. Reminds me of my first time visiting Frankfurt- which is the unofficial kabob capital. We had friends who took us around and I can’t remember much…but kabobs. It’s the important things in life.
This little food cart was awesome. A little pricey ($8 for my kabob) but great. We visited this cart in the middle of a photo shoot so the fact that their food was portable sold me. Healthy ingredients, good portions and an electronic punch card were some huge perks.
Travis started laughing at me with a twinkle in his eye when I ordered mine with beef instead of the traditional lamb. I knew instantly what he was insinuating.
If you know me you know I am VERY opinionated about lamb. I think as cute as those furry animals are…they taste horrible! I can pick the flavor out instantly. Well some years back were in Frankfurt and a friend, Aris, ordered a kabob for me- with lamb without telling me. Well, I took one bite and let’s just say that lots of yelling and laughing followed. *It’s fun to randomly act overly dramatic. (it’s a talent I’ve honed since childhood)
Anyhoo, you will be happy you tried this place. I give it 4 out of 5 stars 🙂
10th & Washington