Nothing says Christmas like White Chocolate Peppermint bark. ….actually, I’ve never eaten it before nor have I ever made it. A friend who made this (which turned out beautiful-check her out!!) asked me if I wanted to make this with her. Well, it’s a little belated but here it is.
A paper plate never looked so good. 🙂

I accidentally made it in a smaller dish so it turned out way to thick for me. But it doesn’t really matter because I gave it all away. Of course not before I sampled it. I couldn’t give it away if it tasked like soap. Yuck.So I HAD to try it. 🙂 It just so happen that it tasted very good, however next time I’m totally making it in a bigger dish so it’s thinner. That way you can eat more and not feel too bad because it’s thin. Just sayin’.
Ingredients? White chocolate chips (melted in double broiler or microwave) make so it’s melted through and pour in desired dish. (for thickness) then just sprinkle crunched up Candy Canes on top. I also added a little peppermint mocha creamer to the chips to make it more peppermint-y.
You know you have one of those days where you have more energy than usual, or it just feels like it, and you get a lot accomplished? That was yesterday for me. Not only did I go grocery shopping (3 stores-ugh) but I also made the bark AND Cranberry Granola. I love granola for breakfast, but the stores sell it so stinkin’ expensive. Why?! It’s SO cheap to just make your own. Stupid stores. They’re just asking us to make our own. And if enough people do make their own, pretty soon they’ll be paying us to buy it! I’d be OK with that.
Ingredients: Oats, Cranberries and Maple Syrup (or Honey). Just mix with desired amounts of each ( the more syrup the more clumpy it will be) and pop it into the oven (350′) Make sure you mix it every 15 min or so so it all gets evenly dried out and not burned. When it gets medium to dark brown take it out and cool it. And there you have it. I’m not a fan of nuts, so I didn’t add any. And I had tons of dried cranberries thanks to my mom (thanks mommy!) so it seems Christmas-y, but it’s just what I had in my pantry.

When I’m done posting this entry I’m going to make muddy buddies. The Food Librarian made some and it so made me feel in the mood to party…even if it’s just me. Growing up whenever we went or hosted a party there always seemed to be Muddy Buddies. My mom made sure my childhood was centered around the right things- food. Hmmm, that gets me thinking though. Maybe I will HIDE this new batch of muddy buddies and only allow myself to eat this scrumpous treat. Maybe I’ll pull the ‘Red Hen’ card (from the book) and say that since I was the one who slaved (yes for hours and hours I tell you!) over the stove it will be ME that gets to eat it.
It doesn’t really fit into my new nutritionally healthy diet though. I’m trying to eat better. And maybe even exercise once a week. (baby steps) *sigh, I guess I might give a lot away. Or just invite people over so they can enjoy it with me.
~So consider that an open invitation! Come on over and enjoy my Muddy Buddies with me!