Last of Seattle

Finally posting the last pictures of Seattle. (Mom, I hope you like the picts of you and Emma- I think they turned out great)

I went to the beach on our way out of town because a. I miss the smell of the water b. I love watching ferry’s dock and c. it makes me feel dreamy

Enjoy the pictures and I hope you have a great Wednesday. Today is filed with cleaning, organizing, putting things back and also keeping up with our schedule that didn’t slow down just because we were gone for the weekend. Not that I’m complaining, it’s a normal schedule. I guess I’m appreciating the vacation more since coming back. 🙂

Oma and Emma

Awesome picture of ‘mamama’ and Emma. “Mamama” is how Emma pronounces ‘Oma’. Cute huh.

There you are!

Kingston Ferry

I love riding from Edmonds to Kingston and walking around, getting fat free/calorie free ice cream (is there such a thing?) and looking at incredibly ridiculous items that are way too expensive. The shop owners seem to hope that we left our good sense wherever we came from and are willing to spend $20 for a stupid boat wind sock- sorry lady.


Who wouldn’t want to wake up to THAT in the morning?! Amazing.

Ocean view Being silly

Life is too short to not be silly everyday. I think it is what keeps me from being bitter from all the horrible things that happen in the world.


Scuba divers

Not only is Edmonds known for their cutsie-ness and ferry docks, but also for their amazing underwater gardens. Scuba Divers come from around the world to this little town and ALL YEAR LONG you see them diving. Crazy in my opinion, but that’s because I get cold in 70″F weather. So why would I risk dipping my little body into the FREEZING ice water?  (people have unfortunately died from hypothermia from being in the water too long)No special suit will make me do that. I would rather take pictures of them from inside my warm heated car. Thus the picture above.