DIY: Celery Flower Stamps

I saw this on Pintrest and thought SO EASY!! But I also don’t want these awesome ideas I pinned to collect cyber dust and stay in the ‘I’ll do it someday’ file.

So here it is! You should do it! Think shirts, pillow cases, kitchen towels, tote bags, baby bibs, etc.


I wanted to do something to combated the pink in our house. Blue tones it is.

(* make sure to always have something under the fabric you’re stamping.* Yes, mine bleed through and I freaked out because I was afraid it would stain our white dining room table)


Not too happy with the picture, but it’s what I got today.

YES you should try this!

YES you should start thinking about homemade Christmas presents!

YES more homes need celery stamped flowers. 🙂
