DIY: Art Frame for refrigerator


Easy cute frame for the fridge to display your kids art. I’m sure you could make this more cute and boutique-y. But I wanted to keep it bright and kid-ish. I wanted Emma to be happy it framed it art. It is after all for her, not me. 🙂


Pom poms, frame, magnets and hot glue.


Emma loved it. 🙂

Everyday Events

The ‘everyday events’ with Emma are the most precious to me. The dressing up and singing loudly in her closed room, her getting out ALL my Tupperware and making a birthday party for me or her playing with my hair with her plastic curlinig iron and blow dryer. 

There will be a time when I won’t be able to get her to wear those princess dresses or hear her sing Sleeping Beauty using the wrong words. She will not want to immediately involve me in everything she does…

aaahhhh! Just thinking about that is making me cry. But I think this is EXACTLY the perspective I need DAILY. I need to remember this a special precious time we are living with her.


I want to wrap my hands around this time and release the need to say ‘no’ because something will be messy or inconviniant for me. Because this time is not about me. 

And, there will be a time when I will have time for myself. When I will have things to do and Emma will have her own. But right now, our two lives are intermixed and…I absolutely love it. Molding a little babe to be an independent, confidant person who is constantly questioning and learning is the best job I could ever ever ask for.



These pictures are a perfect example. When she took out her ‘Molding Clay’ I said she could play with one color.


How could that be fun to a 3 yr old?! Well, obviously I wasn’t thinking of her but I didn’t want the colors mixing….right?!! Heck, I spent good money on those! ($1 store) 

I then had this out of body experience and saw my controling-ness and what I was saying to her. I quietly sighed and let her go to town with the colors. All of them.


She mixed colors and made many animals, princesses and even poop!   hahahaha

Playing with her, mixing colors and knowing they would forever be blended, I grew up just a little bit.
